Web Design & Development Resources

The Basics


Lynda.com - THE best design/development video tutorials website on the internet, period. Whether it's Dreamweaver, Photoshop, CSS or HTML, Lynda's got you covered. Many of the videos are free as well. And for what you get, the monthly subscription is extremely cheap.

Adobe TV - A series of tutorials and videos from the source of all print and web design software. Covers all Adobe programs.

How Websites Work - A good, short summary video about how both websites and the internet work. Give it a watch, it's only a couple of minutes long.

Search Engine Optimization – A fantastic video series on how to get your website ranked on search engines like Google , Bing, and Yahoo. This video series covers basic, intermediate, and advanced SEO techniques.

How to Publish Your Website on the Internet – A great series of videos on how to publish your website on the internet. Explains some basic and advanced setups for publishing to a webserver.

Web Links

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - The motherload. The World Wide Web Consortium is the keeper of the web standards, HTML5, CSS3, XML, and other critical bits to web design. Any changes to these specs will be found here. A great selection of tutorials as well.

W3Schools Online Web Tutorials - The best collection of web based markup tutorials on the internet, bar none. XHTML, HTML5, CSS, Javascript; you name it, this place has a tutorial for it.

How Does the Internet Work? - The boffins at the w3C tackle explaining the internet and how it works in a great, easy to read article on their wiki. Give it a read and amaze your friends!

How Does a Web Page Work? - A great summary of a deceptively simple question. This site answers all the basic questions you might have about the inner workings of a web page.

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Design Resources


Web Links

Unmatchedstyle - A curated list of awesome web designs. In this case curated for excellent use of CSS.

Webdesignersblog - A blog of great web designs organized into categories based on the content of each website.

Best Web Gallery - A gallery of some of the best web design online. Browse through these and breathe in the creativity!

Web Creme - A constantly updated list of examples of the best web design on the internet. Updated daily so check back frequently.

CSS Zen Garden - A group of identical HTML pages styled to look completely differently using nothing but CSS.

Page Layout


Principles of Graphic Design - An excellent summary of the basics of graphic design. Worth a watch, even if it is a bit dry.

Web Links

Understanding Design Principles - A good summary of page layout basics.

Create balanced page layouts - 7 pro tips - An excellent series of tips and tricks to make your layouts look clean, accessible, and professional. These will really be able to help you communicate your ideas.

10 Rock Solid Website Layout Examples - A great collection of sample website layouts to inspire your designs. Note: Always start simple. You can add color, gradients, textures, photos and other detail further along in your iteration. Make sure your layout is good first.



Graphic Design Tutorials: (Really) Basic typography - An excellent summary of the basics of typography.

Graphic Design Tutorial: Typography and Design - A good discussion/tutorial about how typography impacts and works with design.

Web Links

The Basics of Typography - Everything you ever wanted to know about typography in one quick read.

8 Rules for Creating Effective Typography - Some great tips on typography and how to use it to improve communication and reinforce the message of your design.

What the Font? - Stumped by a font? Simply upload an image sample of the font here and What the Font will tell you what you've got.

Typetester - An online application that lets you compare fonts to one another.



Intro to Color Theory - A nice, easy to grasp, summary of the basics of color and how colors work together.

Understanding Color - A deep dive into color theory and the psychology of color. Some great discussion on how to establish mood and provoke emotion with color.

Web Links

Color Matters - Simply the best and most thorough color resource on the internet. From basic theory, to psychology of color, to practical applications, this website has everything you need. If you want to know color, here is where you start.

Psychological Properties Of Colors - This one gets into how color affects people. Graphic design is mind control! Wake up sheeple!

Color In Motion - A great little tutorial about the meaning of color and how it relates to design.

Color Scheme Designer - The best color scheme creation tool on the internet, period. Use it and abuse it!

Responsive Web Design


Responsive Web Design - An excellent perspective on what Responsive Web Design is and how to go about achieving it.

Responsive Web Design Bootcamp - A great explanation of the theories and techniques of responsive web design. Highly Recommended!

Media Queries Using a Single CSS Stylesheet - A step by step media query tutorial. Very thorough and includes downloadable samples. Excellent!

CSS3 Responsive Web Design - Media Queries - A good tutorial on using media queries to resize and realign web designs.

Web Links

Responsive Web Design - The article that introduced the concept and technology of responsive web design to the web design/development community.

What the Heck is Responsive Web Design? - So what is responsive web design anyway? A great interactive presentation summarizing the theories and technology behind responsive web design.

Responsive Web Design Guidelines and Tutorials - A comprehensive set of tutorial links about every facet of responsive webdesign, from design previsualization and structuring, to execution and maintenance. Good stuff!

Media Queries - A comprehensive collection of ideas and samples of responsive websites. Come and get your inspiration here.

Image Sprites


HTML & CSS : Using Image Sprites - How to create and use image sprites in your website. Covers, both the construction of the sprite in graphics software and displaying the sprite in your document using HTML and CSS. A good breakdown of the process.

W3Schools CSS Image Sprites Tutorial - W3Schools quick class on how to use image sprites. Focuses on the CSS and HTML aspects. Nice and simple.

Web Links

CSS Sprites: What They Are, Why They’re Cool, and How To Use Them - A great breakdown of the whys and hows of image sprites. Covers all aspects of sprite setup and use.

Using CSS Sprites - Another good how to article. Has a particularly nice breakdown of the load speed advantages of using sprites.

Single Page Website


One Page Portfolio Website HTML5 (PART 1) - How to create a single page scrolling website using HTML5.

One Page Portfolio Responsive Website CSS3 (PART 2) - How to make the previously constructed website look good using CSS3.

Web Links

What (Exactly) is a One Page Website? - Defining exactly what a single page website is and how to use it.

How to Design the Perfect Single Page Website - A great article on the hows and whys of single page website. It also includes best practises for building such websites and several good examples of great single page website design. Highly recommended!

8 Reasons Why Pageless Design is the Future of the Web - A really good summary about how single page websites are altering, at a fundamental level, the way web pages are designed and presented. Single page websites allow you to present your content as a story rather than as a book of pages. A great read!

One Page Love - A gallery of great single web page designs. The page is split into many categories with hundreds of examples each. Great for design inspiration on your single page website. Come and take a look!

User Interface Design


User Interface (UX) Techniques - A nice presentation on User Interface Design and how it relates to your users. Very clear and detailed,

Web Links

User Interface Design Basics - A good quick summary and definition of User Interface design and it's principles. If you're new to UI design, start here.

Principles of User Interface Design - A very dense summary of all the key principles of User Interface Design presented in a punchy easy to remember format. Good for quick reads. Recommended!

7 Unbreakable Laws of user Interface Design - Know these laws and your users will thank you! Peter Vukovic writes a fun article on the critical "laws" of user interface design. A great little tongue in cheek article that has well sourced and explained examples. Recommended!

10 User Interface Design Fundamentals - A good set of user interface rules of thumb that the author expounds upon in detail. Great for reinforcing UI principles.

Good UI - Easily the best user interface resource on the web! A great collection of user interface rules with easy to understand examples. Fantastic for reference, or for sharpening up your UI skills and great for design inspiration. Highly recommended!

Web Accessibility


Introduction to Web Accessibility: Tips and Tricks - A recorded webinar that presents web accessibility in a clear, concise manner. One of the elements I am basing my lecture on. Excellent (if a little dry)!

Improving Your Website's Accessibility - A less dry and more concise version of the presentation above. It does a great job of breaking down the most common elements of an accessible website in a point by point manner. Recommended!

Tips to make your website accessible - An old, but good, video summarizing some basic accessibility tips.

Web Links

An Introduction to Web Accessibility - An excellent starting point on the topic of web accessibility. This article discusses all facets of web accessibility and covers what you must do to make an accessible website in great detail in a series of sublinks throughout it's text. Excellent!

Tips for Getting Started with Web Accessibility - How do I make my website accessible, exactly? A great series of tips, tricks, and information of making your website available to as broad a target audience as possible. This one is run by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), an arm of the W3C, and the group that establishes and maintains the web accessibility standards. A great resource!

Web Accessibility Quick Reference - Another WAI production. Once you have a grasp of what web accessibility is, please take full advantage of this "cheat sheet" that has quick references to everything in the WCAG 2.0 specifications. It also has deeper links to each topic mentioned in the "cheat sheet". Absolutely invaluable for building accessible websites!

WAI-ARIA: Accessible Rich Internet Applications basics - A nice, easy to digest introduction to ARIA, a series of HTML attributes that help assistive technologies use and understand your website. Excellent!

ARIA Landmark Roles - A neat little article on using landmark roles in ARIA to allow disables users to easily navigate your website.

Developing Accessible Websites - An excellent guide to accessibility with great bullet point breakdowns of what's needed to make a website accessible.

Top 10 Tips for Making Your Website Accessible - A great, quick read covering the 10 most common things you can do to increase your website's accessibility. A good refresher.

Search Engine Optimization


What is SEO and how does it work? - A fantastic summary of SEO and how to make your website rank higher. Highly recommended!

How to Grow Your Business with SEO - A good case study in how SEO works.

The COMPLETE ** 2016 ** SEO Guide - Basic to Advanced Course FREE - A VEEEEEERRRRYYY deep and technical breakdown about the current state of SEO and goes over techniques for increasing your page rank, from basic to advanced. Highly recommended!

SEO for startups in under 10 minutes - A quick guide on optimizing your website for search using Google Search Console. Excellent (if a little technical)!

5 common mistakes in SEO (and 6 good ideas!) - Another quick video on some common mistakes when optimizing for search engines.

Web Links

Google Analytics - The industry standard tool for measuring how users are finding your website and what they are doing with it. And its free! Go sign up for this RIGHT NOW!

Google Search Console - View your website as a Google search bot does. An absolutely invaluable tool for optimizing your website for search. This one is free too! Go sign up for this RIGHT NOW TOO!

The Beginners Guide to SEO - The best SEO walkthrough on the internet, bar none. Covers everything from keyword research, to search engine friendly website construction, to link building. Absolutely recommended!

The Always Up-to-Date SEO Checklist - A great point by point discussion of SEO techniques. One of my consistent reference pages when I am performing SEO on a website. Excellent!

SEO Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide - A really good collection of links and resources in an easy to digest format. Recommended!

SEO Basics: 22 Essentials You Need for Optimizing Your Site - Another good point by point breakdown of SEO with some additional tips and tricks.

SEO Basics for Bloggers & Beginners (But Not Bots) - A fun, easy to read article about SEO from a writer's perspective. A good resource for making search engine friendly content.

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Dreamweaver How To


How To Make a Website in Dreamweaver - An absolutely fantastic video on how to make a basic website using Dreamweaver, HTML, CSS. All of the basics covered in an hour. Please take the time to watch this.

Introduction to Dreamweaver - An absolutely fantastic series of Dreamweaver tutorials covering basic, intermediate, and a bit of advanced Dreamweaver with test projects. This video contains 90% of what I teach in my Web Design and Development classes here at TMCC. More than 12 hours of Dreamweaver info divided into bit sized chunks to allow you to watch as your schedule allows. Highly recommended!

Web Links

Adobe Dreamweaver Developer Center - All you wanted to know from Adobe themselves. All of the tutorials and answers from the maker of Dreamweaver. These are the tutorials Adobe uses for their certification exams and to train their technical support staff.

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Photoshop How To


Photoshop for Web Design - An absolutely fantastic series of short videos on various Photoshop techniques to help with your web designs. Highly recommended!

Photoshop to HTML and CSS - A great set of tutorials on how to convert a Photoshop file into a website. He uses Notepad++, we'll be using Dreamweaver.

Web Links

Photoshop Etiquette - A fantastic setup guide for creating web page designs in Photoshop. Read and internalize this one.

Photoshop CC Help - Adobe's Photoshop help page. Search through to find what you're looking for.

Adobe Photoshop Developer Center - All you wanted to know about Photoshop from Adobe themselves.

PSD tuts+ - An excellent collection of Photoshop tutorials. Check regularly as they update daily.

960 Grid System


Photoshop to HTML and CSS - A good summary of the 960 Grid System and how it works in relation to visually laying out a website.

Web Links

The 960 Grid System - The 960 Grid System, an awesome starting point for building websites in Photoshop. Grids will help with your alignment and sizing as well as setting up breakpoints for future responsive variants of your website.

Pixel Perfect Design


Photoshop - Making Pixel Perfect Adjustments - A neat little video on how to make pixel perfect layouts in Photoshop.

Web Links

10 great web tutorials on pixel perfect design - THE resource I recommend for setting up Photoshop for pixel perfect design. Live it. Learn it. Love it.

Pixel Perfect Design - Pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. An excellent collection of pixel perfect design resources and tutorials.

Pixel Perfect Design from the PixelMaster - An excellent article on the theory behind pixel perfect design. It also includes some great setup tips and techniques.

Great Design Hurts: Striving for Pixel Perfection - Another article covering the theory of pixel perfect design. He really gets into the "why"s of pixel perfect design. Not much in the way of tutorials though.

WordPress How To


WordPress Basics - Here's a good, thorough tutorial on the basics of WordPress: How it works, how to make pages and posts, how to add a theme, how to add a plugin, etc. It's all here, broken up into nice, concise little chunks. You can watch 'em whenever you have a spare five or ten minutes and learn something new each time. A really good watch! Highly recommended!

Customizing WordPress - Now that you know the basics, it's time to cutomize WordPress and make it yours. Just like the first set, this is a great batch of relatively short tutorial videos you can digest as time permits.

Web Links

New To WordPress - Where to Start - Here it is! Everything there is to know about WordPress, starting at the beginning. This is a fantastic batch of articles that are listed by skill level, starting with beginners at the top and working their way down to advanced users at the bottom. If you need a WordPress reference, this is where you start. The whole list is put together by WordPress.org the group who made WordPress and blesses any new add-ons or techniques. Highly recommended!

Easy WP Guide WordPress Manual - An easy to follow WordPress manual that will help you understand the basics of editing your site content. Available in several formats. Recommended!

WordPress Made Simple - A series of tutorials for the various functions of WordPress, written in layman's terms. Very easy to understand and follow. A good resource for beginners.

How to Learn WordPress for Free in a Week (or Less) - A great series of links and articles that purports to teach you the ins and outs of WordPress in a week. Wether or not you actually learn WordPress in a week or not, it is a great collection of articles and helpful links.

Installing Plugins


How to Install a WordPress Plugin for Beginners - Exactly what it says in the title. A great video tutorial on how to install WordPress plugins. Each step is demonstrated on a sample dashboard and you are carefully guided through the installation process.

Web Links

WordPress Plugins - Here it is! The mother lode. The master list. The answer to all your hopes and dreams. This is the largest list of plugins on the internet. All of them can be downloaded from here. Each plugin is rated and has a feedback/support forum along with installation instructions. If you want to extend the capabilities of your WordPress installation, here is where you go.Highly recommended!

How to Install a WordPress Plugin – Step by Step for Beginners - A fantastic step by step installation guide for WordPress plugins from the ground up. Each step is clearly illustrated and written in an easy to comprehend style. A great resource.

Managing Plugins - This is a comprehensive set of instructions on installing/managing/troubleshooting plugins. It provides careful step-by-step instructions on how to find, install, manage, and troubleshoot plugins as well as some great tips on how to use them.

Installing, Maintaining, and Modifying Themes


How To Install Wordpress Plugins and Themes - Wordpress Tutorial - This high resolution blended tutorial covers both theme installation and plugin installation in an easy to follow manner. It's a good summary of both and offers some good hints on installation.

Wordpress 101: How to Install a Wordpress Theme - A good step by step tutorial on how to install a WordPress theme. It's easy to understand and follow. The resolution is a little fuzzy in some spots, but you can see enough of the dashboard to follow along.

How To Create A Child Theme For WordPress - Before you can start doing serious modifications to your theme, you need to create a child theme so you don't accidentally break your main theme. This guy shows you how to do it using a simple plugin. Really fascinating. I wish I'd known about this plugin a year ago!

What is CSS? How can you use it in WordPress? - A great into to the hows and whys of CSS as well as how WordPress uses it and how you can make it work for you.

How To Customize CSS On A WordPress Website - Another plugin I wish I'd known about a year ago! Here the same guy from a video a couple of links up uses a really neat WordPress plugin to edit the CSS of his WordPress theme and really customize the appearance of it. Neat!

Modify Theme CSS with Inspect Element - And here's a video on how to customize your theme's CSS without using a plugin. This si the way I've always done it.

WordPress CSS Tips for Beginners - Some very good tips on using CSS with WordPress. Recommended!

Web Links

WordPress Themes - Here's the largest repository of free themes on the internet. Dig in and search up the perfect theme for your design. No matter what you want, you can find it here. Feel free to look around and download a few themes. You can then install them and see how they work, how to modify them and how they interact with your content.

Beginners Guide: How to Install a WordPress Theme - Written by the same people who wrote the great plugin installation guide above, this article covers how to install a theme. Each step is laid out carfully with relevant pictures and illustrations. Another great resource.

Using Themes - A great quick resource on themes written by the WordPress Codex. A good starting point for installing themes or learning basic theme maintenance as well as a portal to articles about themes that are much more detailed.

How To Modify WordPress Themes The Smart Way - A really in depth series of articles on how themes work and how to customize them for your needs. It's pretty technical, but well explained with good walkthroughs and screenshots. Take a look and make your theme absolutely yours.

WordPress Theme Customization Guide - A great series of articles on theme customization. It's a bit more technical than some of the links before, but it's well presented and does a good job of breaking the subject matter down.

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Website Programming Languages (HTML, CSS, and More)


HTML5 for Beginners - A good series on the basics of HTML5, covering everything from document structure to type to formatting.

CSS3 for Beginners - A nice look at the basics of CSS3 and how you can use it to lay out and modify the appearance of your website.

HTML Tutorial with Dreamweaver - A really neat series on HTML, the programming language of web design. This series will show you the man behind the curtain!

CSS Fundamentals with Dreamweaver - A great series on using CSS with Dreamweaver. It covers basic and intermediate Cascading Style Sheets and how they interact with Dreamweaver. Also highly recommended.

jQuery Tutorial for Beginners - A very good primer on the basics of jQuery and how it interacts with HTML and CSS. It covers basic theory along with a few practical starter projects. If you want to learn jQuery, this will get you started.

Learn jQuery in 15 Minutes - Exactly what is says on the tin. A great quick intro to the principles of jQuery.

How to Install and Use Font Awesome - As described in the title. This video walks you through, downloading, linking and using Font Awesome to feed icons into your site. If you want to use icon fonts, start here.

Web Links

HTML5 Tutorial - If you want to learn HTML5, start here. Simply the best tutorial on the internet for HTML5.

HTML 5 Structural Tags - A list and definition of all the structural tags in HTML 5.

CSS3 Tutorial - The starting point for learning CSS3 on the web. Everything else builds on this.

CSS3 Tutorials - One of the best collections of CSS3 how-tos on the internet.

CSS3 Info - A thorough collection of new Properties and Functions introduced in the CSS3 spec, including several fantastic browser based effects like glows, drop shadows, and various text effects.

Stack Overflow - Whenever you ask Google programming questions, it always seems to point back here. This is the motherload for programming Q&A and seems to cover every language from HTML to PHP to jQuery to Ruby.

jQuery - The internet home of jQuery. Want to start learning all there is to know about jQuery? Here is where you start.

jQuery UI - An awesome library of user interface widgets. Any interactive user interface element you can think of is covered here, from tabs to accordians, movable boxes to effects, it's all here for the taking. Dig through their examples and learn until your brain falls off.

An Introduction to Icon Fonts with Font Awesome and IcoMoon - A great article covering both the why and the how of icon fonts. This article builds upon pre-existing knowledge of CSS fonts and describes in detail the pros and cons for switching out portions of your graphics for fonts along with how to do so using simple CSS.

Getting Started With Font Awesome - How to use the most popular Icon Font platform on the web today. Be sure to check out the examples section for more detailed instructions too.

CSS Visual Effects


CSS Rounded Corners - A quick, easy to grasp video explaining the "border-radius" property and how to use it to round the corners of objects on your web pages.

CSS Shadows and RGBa Color Values - A great summary on using the "box-shadow" and "text-shadow" properties to add shadows to objects and text on your web page. At the end, he delves into the RGBa color system and it's advantages.

The RGBa Color System - Another good overview of the RGBa colorscheme and how it works.

How to use Google Fonts - Here's a great walkthrough on how to use Google Fonts to specify custom typefaces for your website.

How to use Web Fonts - If Google Fonts is not enough, here's how you import your local fonts into your website using the @font-face query.

Web Links

RGBa Color - Thanks to CSS3 we can use a completely wide open color scheme (RGB) on our websites. We can mix our color in Dreamweaver or any other graphics software and transfer the values directly to our CSS. But, let us not forget the "a" at the end of those letters. The "a" stands for "Alpha". Yes, that means we can now control transparency too. Try it out on a test website! You'll be amazed.

Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator - The best multi-function CSS gradient generator on the internet, bar none. Use this website's gradient tools to generate colorful linear and radial gradients using nothing but CSS. Copy the generated code from the website and paste it in a rule in your CSS file. Voilà! You've just made a gradient.

Border Radius - A thorough and concise explanation of how to round the corners of any object in your webpage using nothing but the "border-radius" property in your CSS.

Box Shadow - A quick explanation of the CSS3 "box-shadow" property used to create drop shadows, glows, and inner shadows and glows on objects. Give it a try!

Text Shadow - Where "box-shadow" allows you to put shadows and glows on objects, "text-shadow" allows you to do the same with live type. Now you never need to let design interfere with your site's content and Search Engine Optimization.

CSS3 Shadow Effects - A fantastic visual summary of CSS based shadow effects that carefully breaks down both "box-shadow" and "text-shadow" into individual values and shows you how each value interacts with the other values. Some great visual examples of what's going on as well.

Google Fonts - For as long as we have been designing websites, designers have been railing against the limited type and typography choices we have faced. No longer! Google now has a tool that lets you import hundreds of different fonts into your web site by just pasting a line or two of code. Now you can pick just the perfect font for your design!

@Font-Face - Want to use a specific font that Google doesn't have? Have no fear! You can import it via this CSS import query. This reference will show you how to use @font-face to feed your very own fonts into your web page.

Font Converter - Web fonts require some fairly esoteric formats to display properly in most browsers. There are many converters out there, but this one is my favorite becuase it generates a CSS file as well so you can just copy and paste the code into your own CSS and then adjust the font links.

CSS3 Multiple Columns - Want to get that newspaper look for your website? Well, here's how. Using the power of CSS3 we can turn a few simple text paragraphs into a multi column news story.

CSS3 Filter Property - The filter property is a broad based property that allows you to do a variety of modifications to images and HTML objects using CSS. Everything from blurring, to making grayscale, to making an image sepia toned is possible with the filter property. Definately a handy property to know how to use.

CSS3 Transform Property - The transform property is a multi-function, swiss army knife property that allows you to make modifications to any HTML object. You can rotate, skew, or scale anything you can apply a CSS rule to. A useful tool to have in your CSS arsenal.

150 Amazing Examples of CSS Animation & Effects - A collection of tutorials that use the techniques described above, along with several others, to create spectacular effects. Many do require the use of jQuery as well to provide animation and other motion effects.


HTML5 Reset Stylesheet - If you want to absolutely start from zero with your CSS and truly style from the ground up, this is the way to go. It's a set of CSS rules that can be pasted into your main stylesheet, or into one of it's own. These rules "reset", or rip out, all browser defaults so you can make everything your own. Be careful, this is not for novice users or the faint of heart!

Premade CSS Items/Libraries

Hover.css - A collection of CSS based rollover effects. They're easy to install and use and they create all sorts of detailed effects on your CSS based rollovers/buttons. A great way to add a little extra detailing to your layout and a nice UI trigger to help your users find the information they need.

Premade jQuery Items/Libraries

Lightbox - Lokesh Dhakar's lightbox is the easiest to install, lightest weight lightbox on the internet. It's been around, in one form or another, for over a decade. If you want a photo lightbox, this is where you go.

Responsive Slides - Responsive Slides is a nice responsive image slideshow that enlarges or shrinks to fill whatever container you put it in. It's lightweight and easy to install. A good starting point for image sliders.

jQuery UI - jQuery UI is a jQuery based library of interactive user interface elements. It's easy to install and simple to use and provides some powerful user interface effects to make your website stand out and emprove the experience for your users.

Icon Fonts

Font Awesome - The best icon font set on the market. An easy to use, plug and play solution that enables you to replace most, if not all, of your webesites' iconography with these simple fonts. Your website will load faster and you can modify these icons using the power of simple CSS.

Smooth Scrolling Webpages

Smooth Scroll.js - A lightweight script to animate scrolling to anchor links inside a single HTML page. Best used with single page websites, though it can be used on any long HTML page that has internal navigation.

Parallax Scrolling

Simple Parallax Scrolling - Parallax.js is a dirt simple, jQuery driven, parallax scrolling effect. This effects is very subtle, but very powerful on long scrolling web pages and single page websites.

Scroll Triggered Animations

Animate on Scroll - Animate on Scroll is an easy to install script libarary that animates elements on your page as you scroll. Animate on Scroll allows you to animate elements as you scroll down, and up. If you scroll back to top, elements will animate to it's previous state and are ready to animate again if you scroll down.

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